1 Kings 6:1-38

THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE TEMPLE In shape the Temple was a rectangular hall 60 x 20 x 30 cubits (a cubit being about 18 inches). On its E. face it had a porch (forming an entrance) which extended across the whole front and added 10 cubits to the length of the building (1 Kings 6:3). The height of this... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:1

THE FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTIETH YEAR] The sum of the periods mentioned or implied in the previous books since the exodus much exceeds this figure. The real length of the interval is uncertain, and the number of years here indicated is probably not based on historic records but is a conventional expre... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:2

THE HOUSE] The Temple was built on the N. of the hill upon which Zion, 'the city of David,' stood, there being an ascent from the latter to the former (see 1 Kings 8:1). Its site had originally been occupied by Araunah's threshing-floor (2 Chronicles 3:1). For its position relative to the rest of So... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:9

COVERED THE HOUSE] Roofed or cieled it. Whether the roof was flat or gable-shaped is uncertain, though, as houses were generally flat-topped, this was probably no exception.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:12

_Concerning_ THIS HOUSE, etc.] The erection of the Temple was an external and material indication of Solomon's allegiance to the Lord; but to obtain the Almighty's continued favour, it was necessary besides to submit his life and conduct to the control of God's moral laws. WHICH I SPAKE UNTO DAVID]... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:16

HE BUILT.. ON THE SIDES, etc.] RV 'he built.. on the hinder part,' etc. This, as appears from a comparison of the measurements given in 1 Kings 6:2 and 1 Kings 6:17, does not mean that the Most Holy Place (or Oracle) was an additional structure built on the rear of the house, but that it was an apar... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:18

KNOPS] i.e. knobs, and so in 1 Kings 7:24. RM has 'gourds,' implying that the ornaments intended, which were carved in relief, were globular in shape, resembling pumpkins.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:20

THE ORACLE IN THE FOREPART] better, 'the oracle within.' THE ALTAR] i.e. the altar of incense: for its situation see 1 Kings 7:22.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:21

MADE A PARTITION, etc.] RV 'drew chains of gold across before the oracle,' i.e. across the entrance that led from the Holy Place into the Most Holy. But 2 Chronicles 3:14 mentions a veil, and the translation should perhaps be 'drew a veil before the oracle by means of chains of gold.'... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:23

CHERUBIMS] These were large winged figures of composite character, perhaps with four faces, those of a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle (Ezekiel 1:10), or with the face of an ox only (to which the term 'cherub' seems to have strictly applied: cp. Ezekiel 10:14 with Ezekiel 1:10). They represented Go... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:29

PALM TREES] Figures of these are frequent on the Assyrian monuments. WITHIN AND WITHOUT] i.e. within and without the dividing partition between the Holy and Most Holy Place, so that both chambers are meant.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:31

THE LINTEL] According to some 'the pilasters,' small pillars projecting from the surface of the side posts. A FIFTH PART] mg. 'five-square,' i.e. the top of the door was pentagonal in form. The words 'of the wall' are not in the original.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:36

THE INNER COURT] This was the court before the house (1 Kings 8:64), open to the air, and was surrounded by a fence of stone surmounted by a row, or paling, of cedar beams. It was on a higher level than the 'great court' of 1 Kings 7:12, and is called in Jeremiah 36:10; 'the upper court.'... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:38

THE MONTH BUL] Corresponding to October-November. As this was the eighth month and the Temple was begun in the second, the time actually occupied in its construction was, in strictness, 7 1/2 years.... [ Continue Reading ]

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