A chosen generation] RV 'an elect race': cp. Isaiah 43:20.

A peculiar people] RV 'a people for God's own possession': cp. Exodus 19:5. Praises] RV 'excellencies'; AVmg. 'virtues': cp. Philippians 4:8; 2 Peter 1:3; 2 Peter 1:5. St. Peter repeats the teaching of the prophet (cp. Isaiah 43:21) that men are elect, not for their own sakes only, but to be God's priests and prophets to the world, so as to tell of Him to others, and to present, as spiritual sacrifices, in union with the sacrifice of Christ, not only themselves (Romans 12:1), their praise and alms (Hebrews 13:15.), but also the heathen (Romans 15:16 cp. Philippians 2:17), whom they win for God. Into his marvellous light] in which God dwells. It is unapproachable (1 Timothy 6:16), yet He, with whom all things are possible, has called us into it: cp. Isaiah 57:15, and see on 1 Peter 5:10.

The end of your faith] i.e. the final result of it, which they are already in process of receiving, though it is not yet fully theirs. The salvation of your souls] There is no word for 'your' in the Gk. St. Peter directs the thoughts of his readers beyond their own small circle: cp. 1 Peter 5:9; 2 Peter 1:7; (RV). Throughout this Epistle, except perhaps in the quotation 1 Peter 3:20, 'soul' means the true life, the very self: cp. 1 Peter 1:22; 1 Peter 2:11; 1 Peter 2:25; 1 Peter 4:19; 2 Peter 2:8; 2 Peter 2:14.

A (ii). 1 Peter 1:10. This salvation is no new thing. The prophets knew something of it, and sought to learn more. In them, as in kings and priests, and to some extent in the whole nation, there was the Messianic Spirit, and they understood that sufferings and glories were destined for the Messiah. The exact time when these should be fulfilled they could not tell, but so much at least was revealed to them—that they were serving God for generations yet to come. What the Spirit in them dimly showed, those who have preached to you by the same Spirit have plainly announced; what is still to follow, angels are looking forth from heaven to see.

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