1 Peter 3:1

LIKEWISE] cp. 1 Peter 3:7, the whole household is to be one family; the subjection of servants to masters has a like excellence with the subjection of wives to husbands. WITHOUT THE WORD] 'Perhaps the Spirit of Christ pours itself abroad more widely than our interpretations allow' (Erasmus).... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:1-22

THE BLESSEDNESS OF CHRIST'S PEOPLE, THOUGH THEY SHOULD SUFFER LIKE CHRIST _B_ (iii). 1 Peter 3:1. Another divinely created ordinance of man is marriage. One of the purposes of Christianity was to teach chivalry towards women: this is part of the 'grace' which men can exercise. But to this must corr... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:4

THE HIDDEN MAN OF THE HEART] cp. Romans 7:22; 2 Corinthians 4:16; Ephesians 3:16. IN THAT WHICH IS NOT CORRUPTIBLE, _even the ornament_ OF A MEEK AND QUIET SPIRIT] RV 'in the incorruptible _apparel_ of a meek and quiet spirit.'... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:6

LORD] RV 'lord': cp. Genesis 18:12. YE ARE] RV 'ye now are'; RM 'ye are become.' They became Abraham's daughters when they became Christians, but, if they are to continue such, perseverance is required, which the coming persecution will make difficult: cp. 2 Peter 1:5. AFRAID WITH ANY AMAZEMENT] RV... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:7

THE WEAKER VESSEL] cp. 2 Corinthians 4:7; 1 Thessalonians 4:4. It would appear from 2Est 4:11; Esther 4:2 Es 7:88 RV, that the human body is meant by 'the vessel.' THE GRACE OF LIFE] is the loveliness, partaking of the divine, which God adds to His servants' life. THAT YOUR PRAYERS BE NOT HINDERED]... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:8

HAVING COMPASSION ONE OF ANOTHER] RV 'compassionate'; EM 'Gr. sympathetic': cp. Hebrews 4:15; Hebrews 10:34, Tenderness towards even the feelings of others is implied. 10-12. Quoted from Psalms 34, in Psalms 34:8 of which blessing is promised to the man that trusts in God. The whole Psalm promises... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:12

OVER.. AGAINST] RV 'upon.. upon.' God's aspect is the same to each, it is man who turns 'grace' into 'wrath': cp. Exodus 14:24. _C_ (I) 1 PETER 3:13;, deals chiefly with faith, (ii) 1 PETER 4:1 with conduct. It brings out deeper and deeper doctrine as it proceeds about the purpose and meaning of suf... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:18

ONCE] i.e. once for all: cp. Hebrews 9:26; Hebrews 9:28. THAT HE MIGHT BRING US TO GOD] cp. Romans 5:2. Access to God was the end to which all the Levitical sacrifices were directed, but till Christ offered Himself this end was never attained; as the Epistle to the Hebrews teaches. QUICKENED] i.e. m... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:19

BY WHICH] RV 'in which.' IN PRISON] cp. Revelation 20:7, i.e. the place where such disembodied spirits were kept waiting for the end of the present order of things: see on 'heaven,' 14. This is the hell, or Sheol, of OT.: cp Psalms 16:10; Psalms 49:14; (RV) Isaiah 14:9. Our Lord refers to it, Luke... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:20

SOMETIME] RV 'aforetime.' The whole passage clearly means that Christ, as a spirit, preached to certain spirits, who had been disobedient to the end of their earthly life. This preaching took place between His death and resurrection, and its purpose was that, by hearing the gospel, these men might h... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Peter 3:22

ON THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD] from Psalms 110:1. The words that follow show that St. Peter has Ephesians 1:20. in his mind. Like St. Paul, he speaks in general terms of the heavenly powers, which the Jews of those days described with unwarrantable detail: cp. Ephesians 1:21; Colossians 2:18.... [ Continue Reading ]

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