2 Chronicles 15:1-19

REIGN OF ASA (CONTINUED) An account of how Asa, moved by the prophet Azariah, made a covenant to seek.the LORD. This chapter is almost entirely supplementary to what is recorded of Asa in 1 Kings 15.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 15:3

FOR A LONG SEASON] The writer seems to have principally in view the times of the Judges: see Judges 2:12; Judges 3:7; Judges 17:6; Judges 21:25. A TEACHING PRIEST] For this function of the priesthood cp. Leviticus 10:11; Malachi 2:7.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 15:5

NO PEACE.. CAME IN] i.e. travelling was unsafe: cp. Judges 5:6; Judges 6:2. THE COUNTRIES] i.e. the different divisions of Israel: see Judges 12:4; Judges 20:21.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 15:8

THE PROPHECY OF ODED] The words 'Azariah son of' have dropped out before ODED: the Vulgate has them. THE CITIES.. TAKEN] This seems to refer to the conquests of Abijah: 2 Chronicles 13:19.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 15:9

THE STRANGERS] Those members of the Ten Tribes who removed to Judah on account of the calf - worship: 2 Chronicles 11:16. SIMEON] The territory of Simeon must have practically belonged to Judah from the time of Jeroboam's revolt, but some Simeonites may have resided in the northern kingdom.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 15:19

FIVE AND THIRTIETH] This is inconsistent with the chronology given in 1 K, for Baasha died in the 26th year of ASA (1 Kings 16:8); but see on 2 Chronicles 16:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

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