2 Chronicles 17:1

STRENGTHENED HIMSELF AGAINST ISRAEL] Jehoshaphat came to the throne in the fourth year of Ahab, and it is probable that some interval elapsed before he made peace with him, as recorded in 1 Kings 22:44.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 17:1-19

REIGN OF JEHOSHAPHAT An account of a mission of Levites to teach the Law, and of the king's army. The particulars of Jehoshaphat's reign here given are additional to those contained in 1 Kings 22:41.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 17:3

HIS FATHER DAVID] LXX omits 'David,' so that his father means Asa, whose early actions (2 Chronicles 14:2) are here contrasted with the oppressiveness and want of faith that he displayed in his later years (2 Chronicles 16:7). BAALIM] RV 'the Baalim' (and so elsewhere), i.e. the various false gods t... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 17:4

THE DOINGS OF ISRAEL] an allusion either to the worship of the calves (2 Chronicles 13:8) or to that of the Zidonian Baal, introduced into Israel by Jezebel, the wife of Jehoshaphat's contemporary, Ahab.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 17:9

WENT ABOUT] This is the only record in the historical books of the diffusion of a knowledge of the Law by means of a mission. In the reign of Josiah (2 Kings 23:2) and after the return from the exile (Nehemiah 8:3) the Law was merely read before assemblies of the people at Jerusalem.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 17:13

MUCH BUSINESS] i.e. was busily employed on works of defence. AND THE MEN OF WAR.. _were_] better, 'and he had men of war.. in Jerusalem.' 14-18. It is generally agreed that there must be some error in these enormous numbers.... [ Continue Reading ]

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