2 Chronicles 31:2

APPOINTED THE COURSES] The succession (see 1 Chronicles 23-26) had been suspended during the idolatry of the previous reigns, and required to be rearranged. THE TENTS OF THE LORD] The phrase is borrowed from the conditions that prevailed in the wilderness.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 31:3

THE KING'S PORTION, etc.] The king set an example to his subjects by providing for the Sacrifices named, for which see Numbers 28:29, whilst the people were required to support the priests (according to Numbers 18).... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 31:6

THAT DWELT IN THE CITIES OF JUDAH] The provincial population, as distinguished from the inhabitants of the capital. THE TITHE OF HOLY THINGS] The words tithe of have been accidentally repeated from the preceding; they are omitted in 2 Chronicles 31:12.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 31:15

TO GIVE to THEIR BRETHREN] The general sense of 2 Chronicles 31:15 is that the officers named in 2 Chronicles 31:15 distributed to all the priests who dwelt in the priestly cities a share of the people's offerings, those alone being excluded from sharing, who, whilst in their courses at Jerusalem, w... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 31:19

ALSO OF THE SONS OF AARON, etc.] The meaning is that the six persons named in 2 Chronicles 31:15 furnished support to the priests and Levites who dwelt outside the cities, as well as to those who dwelt within them.... [ Continue Reading ]

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