2 Chronicles 33:1-25

THE REIGN OF MANASSEH This chapter repeats, with certain omissions, 2 Kings 21 but the section 2 Chronicles 33:11, relating the captivity in Babylon, repentance, and release of Manasseh, is supplementary to the account in 2 Ki.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:11

AMONG THE THORNS] RM 'with hooks': a monument still exists which shows the Assyrian king Esarhaddon leading two captives by hooks or rings put through their lips. TO BABYLON] This city was for the most part subject to Assyria until the overthrow of the Assyrian power in 607 b.c. Shortly before 648... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:13

BROUGHT HIM AGAIN, etc.] i.e. by prompting the Assyrian king to restore him to his throne. Such leniency on the part of Asshurbanipal finds a parallel in his conduct towards Necho, an Egyptian feudatory prince, who was taken captive for intriguing against his suzerain, but was subsequently restored... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:14

A WALL WITHOUT.. DAVID] RV 'an outer wall to the city of David.' THE FISH GATE] This was in the N. wall of the city; through it fish is supposed to have entered from Tyre.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 33:16

COMMANDED.. TO SERVE THE LORD] In spite of Manasseh's reformation here related, Jeremiah subsequently declared that his sins had not been expiated, and that the nation was doomed to destruction in consequence: Jeremiah 15:4.... [ Continue Reading ]

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