Satan himself.. into an angel of light] tempting men by making evil seem good, 'making the worse appear the better reason.'

(c) 11:16-12:18. The Evidences of his Apostleship in suffering and Service

The Apostle goes on to show that if he begins to boast, he has far more to boast of than the Judaising teachers. In nationality he is their equal, in labours carried on and sufferings endured for the gospel he is far their superior; he has had visions and revelations of the Lord which they cannot claim. The only thing in which they might find fault with him was his refusal of support from them. But in that lay his safety in dealing with his enemies: no one could say that either he, or any one sent by him, had made any profit out of the Church.

Paraphrase. '(16) Again I say, Do not think me a fool; or, if you do think me a fool, let me indulge, like your other apostles, in a fool's boasting. (17) I am not speaking now under the inspiration of Christ; I am only answering fools according to their folly. (18) Since many other teachers are boasting of their qualifications, I shall boast of mine. (19) For you who are so wise yourselves, have a great appreciation for fools. (20) You are very patient with people who delude and cheat you, and who insult and injure you.'

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