God was in Christ, etc.] When we see Christ teaching, healing, forgiving, comforting, and dying for men, we are to see there the expression of God's love and deep desire. In this atoning work Christ was 'the express image of His Person.' Reconciling the world unto himself] The desire for reconciliation came from God.

(d) 5:20-7:1. Appeal for Purity of Life

As an ambassador of Christ St. Paul entreats them to be reconciled to God. And not only does he make this entreaty in words; he appeals to them by his life and conduct in all the varied experiences through which he has to pass. He asks them for greater affection towards himself, and reminding them of God's promises to the pure, bids them keep themselves 'unspotted from the world.'

20, 21. Paraphrase. 'We, then, are ambassadors in Christ's place, conveying to you God's message and desire; we ask you, speaking in Christ's name, to accept this great salvation. (21) It was to secure our salvation that God gave up His sinless Son to death, making Him bear the penalty of our guilt, that we might be made partakers of His divine nature by submitting ourselves wholly to Christ's transforming influence.

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