2 John 1:1

1. THE ELDER] cp. Intro. THE ELECT LADY] Gk. _eklektç kuriâ_. The question who is meant by this designation has given rise to much discussion. The various opinions are as follows: (1) Some regard the second word of the phrase as a proper name, and translate, 'To the lady Electa.' This is not likely;... [ Continue Reading ]

2 John 1:4

I FOUND OF THY CHILDREN] This shows that the lady must have had at least three children. Some have seen in it a sad, gentle hint that there were others of her children who did not walk in the truth. 5-8. Note the distinctively Johannine characteristics here: (1) He is giving his hearers a new comman... [ Continue Reading ]

2 John 1:7

ARE ENTERED INTO THE WORLD] rather, 'are gone out into the world': cp. RV; i.e. they were formerly members of the Church, but have apostatised: cp. 1 John 2:19. To confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is with St. John the central fact of Christian belief. Not to recognise in Jesus the auth... [ Continue Reading ]

2 John 1:9

WHOSOEVER, not TRANSGRESSETH, but 'has erroneous ideas.' No claim of superior knowledge can be allowed which sets aside what Christ taught. DOCTRINE in the NT. is never synonymous with' dogma,' but means' teaching.'... [ Continue Reading ]

2 John 1:10

'This verse reminds us that the Gospel has its intolerance as well as tolerance' (Bp. Alexander). Ordinary courtesy is not forbidden, but to extend the right hand of fellowship would be to condone and further false doctrine and to share the guilt of disloyalty.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 John 1:11

BIDDETH HIM GOD SPEED] 'The three salutations are eminently characteristic of the general view of life and its aim entertained by the three races. The Roman, to whom health and strength seemed all in all, said _Salve_, “health” The Greek, whose existence aimed supremely at sweetness and light, said... [ Continue Reading ]

2 John 1:13

The writer may have been staying at this second matron's house. If the Epistle was written to an individual, the transmission of this trivial message from children to an aunt is an interesting note of the simplicity and courtesy of the writer of high station—Elder, Apostle, personal friend of Jesus,... [ Continue Reading ]

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