Tiglath-pileser] see on 2 Kings 15:19. The invasion here described was connected with the attack made by Pekah and his ally Rezin of Damascus, upon Ahaz of Judah (2 Kings 16:5.). Of the places taken by Tiglath-pileser Ijon and Abelbeth-Maachah were near the sources of the Jordan, N. of Lake Merom; Kedesh and Hazor lay to the W. of the same lake; the site of Janoah is uncertain. Carried them captive] This deportation took place in 734 b.c. It is recorded by Tiglath-pileser himself in his own inscriptions, though he says exaggeratedly that he deported 'the whole of the inhabitants.' The purpose of such wholesale removals of the population of a conquered country was to destroy national sentiment and traditions, and so prevent all attempts to recover independence by killing the aspiration for it.

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