The Chaldees] here used to designate the Babylonians. Syrians.. Moabites.. Ammon] For these as enemies of Judah at this period see Jeremiah 35:11; Jeremiah 48:27; Ezekiel 25:1.

His servants the prophets] The most prominent of the prophets who denounced judgment against the offending nation at this time was Jeremiah: see especially Jeremiah 25:26; Jeremiah 25:35; Jeremiah 25:36, 45. Unlike his predecessor Isaiah, the prophet declared that Jerusalem would be totally destroyed if its inhabitants did not repent; and for this he was adjudged worthy of death, though his life was preserved by the interference of certain elders. Another prophet named Urijah, who also prophesied against the city, fled to Egypt to escape destruction, but he was surrendered to Jehoiakim by the Egyptian king and put to death: see Jeremiah 26.

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