2 Kings 4:1-44

VARIOUS MIRACLES OF ELISHA The miracles related of Elisha in this and the following Chapter s resemble many of those previously recounted of Elijah. Thus both prophets multiplied the sustenance of a woman in need (2 Kings 4:1; 1 Kings 17:8); both restored a dead child to life (2 Kings 4:8; 1 Kings 1... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 4:10

A.. CHAMBER.. ON THE WALL] probably an upper chamber, above the ordinary roof. A STOOL] better, a 'chair'or'seat' (the same word being used of a royal throne). CANDLESTICK] better, 'lampstand': cp. Exodus 25:31.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 4:13

HE SAID UNTO HIM, etc.] in the East women were (and are) lightly esteemed, and direct communications were rarely held with them by persons who had a character for sanctity (cp. John 4:27): see 2 Kings 4:27 and 2 Kings 5:10. WHAT _IS_ TO BE DONE FOR THEE?] Elisha, who, unlike Elijah, seems to have at... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 4:23

NEITHER NEW MOON, NOR SABBATH] The Shunammite's husband did not connect his wife's proposed visit to the prophet with the death of his child, but with some religious duty. The new moon (i.e. the first day of the month) and the sabbath were feasts at which the prophets might be asked to preside, as S... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 4:29

GIRD UP THY LOINS] The direction was necessary, for the garments were usually worn loose and flowing. SALUTE HIM NOT] To do so would waste time. LAY MY STAFF] Elisha seems to have thought that as Elijah's mantle had been powerful in his own hand (2 Kings 2:14), so his own staff would be equally pot... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 4:39

A WILD VINE] not a real vine, but a vine-like plant, usually identified with the bitter cucumber or colocynth, bearing a fruit resembling an orange, which is very bitter in taste.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 4:42

BAAL-SHALISHA] Perhaps the same as the 'land of Shalisha' (1 Samuel 9:4) in the hill-country of Ephraim. THE FIRSTFRUITS] Elisha probably dwelt at a sanctuary (perhaps Gilgal) where firstfruits were required to be presented (Exodus 23:19;). In THE HUSK THEREOF] RV 'in his sack.'... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 4:43

WHAT, SHOULD.. MEN?] cp. the like doubt raised by the disciples of our Lord (John 6:9), and the similar, but even more impressive, sequel.... [ Continue Reading ]

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