This v. is better taken as a question: 'For is not my house so with God, seeing He hath made.. for all my salvation and all my desire, shall He not make it to grow? 'David refers to the promise actually made in the past and looks forward with confidence to the future. Everlasting covenant] cp. 2 Samuel 7:15; 2 Samuel 7:16.

Ordered in all things] i.e. properly drawn up and arranged in every respect. Grow] i.e. continue and increase: cp. Isaiah 45:8.

6, 7. These vv. contrast the fate of the wicked. Thorns cannot be pulled up with the naked hand, but the man who wishes to cut them down must take in his hand a long staff with an iron weapon at the end.

8-39. This list of heroes originally contained the first three, then a second three, then the 30:36 names in all, or with Joab, 37 names. This is the number actually given in 2 Samuel 23:39.

8-11. The first three, Ishbosheth, Eleazar, and Shammah.

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