Journey into Europe, Philippi.
RV 'And they went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been forbidden of the Holy Ghost to speak the word in Asia.' At Lystra (Acts 16:6) they received a divine intimation that they were not to carry out their purpose (probably their main purpose in this journey) of preaching in the Roman province of Asia. Accordingly they passed through that part of the ancient Phrygia which belonged to the Roman province of Galatia, and in which were situated Iconium and Antioch, which they doubtless revisited.

Those who, like Lightfoot, hold that the churches to which the Epistle to the Galatians is addressed, were situated in North Galatia, understand 'the region of Phrygia and Galatia' here to mean the district in N. Galatia once inhabited by Phrygians, but at this time by Gauls. Here they suppose that St. Paul was delayed by illness (Galatians 4:13), and seized the opportunity of preaching and founding numerous Celtic or Gallic churches which are nowhere mentioned in Acts.

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