1-41. Paul at Ephesus. Opposition of the manufacturers of idols. St.
Paul, leaving Antioch in S. Galatia (see Acts 18:23), approached
Ephesus not by the usual level route leading through Colossæ and
Laodicea (see Colossians 2:1), but through the northern and more
mountainous route leading do... [ Continue Reading ]
EPHESUS] the capital of the Roman province of Asia, and the most
important seaport of Asia Minor, was especially renowned for its great
temple of Diana (Artemis), which was one of the wonders of the world.
St. Paul chose it for a prolonged stay because (like Corinth) it was
on the main line of commu... [ Continue Reading ]
HAVE YE RECEIVED] RV 'did ye receive the Holy Ghost when ye believed?'
Of course they had heard of the Holy Ghost, but St. Paul means, had
they experienced that new power of holiness, that peace and love and
joy which the ascended Messiah had first given at Pentecost, and was
still ready to bestow o... [ Continue Reading ]
UNTO (RV 'into') WHAT THEN WERE YE BAPTIZED?] St. Paul assumes that if
these men had received Christian baptism they must have heard of the
Holy Ghost. It is probable, therefore, that the Trinitarian formula
was used (see Matthew 28:19).... [ Continue Reading ]
John's baptism was only preparatory, and did not confer the special
gift of the Spirit.... [ Continue Reading ]
LAID _his_ HANDS] As in Acts 8, the Holy Spirit was conferred, not at
the actual immersion, but at the laying on of hands which followed.
SPAKE WITH TONGUES] see on Acts 2:4.; AND PROPHESIED] cp. Acts 10:46.
Inspired and fervent utterances of praise are meant.... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT WAY] i.e. Christianity, see on Acts 9:2.
THE SCHOOL] Tyrannus was probably a Gentile, who made his living by
keeping a 'school' of philosophy. Paul no doubt appeared to the
Ephesians as one of those wandering 'sophists' or professors of
philosophy, who were so numerous under the early Empire.... [ Continue Reading ]
To this period is to be referred the foundation of the Seven Churches
of Asia, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Tyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia,
Laodicea (Revelation 1:11), and of Colossæ, Hierapolis, Troas.
11, 12. God condescended to work miracles through these handkerchiefs,
having regard to the genuine... [ Continue Reading ]
ROME] There is evidence that Paul planned the evangelisation of the
Western Empire many years before he actually undertook it: cp. Romans
1:10; Romans 1:13; Romans 15:22.... [ Continue Reading ]
Timothy and Erastus (not the Erastus of Romans 16:23) were sent,
partly to remind the Churches of Europe of the teaching and example of
St. Paul, and partly to collect money for the poor saints at Jerusalem
(Acts 24:17; 1 Corinthians 16:1; 1 Corinthians 16:10). Shortly after
this 1 Corinthians was w... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT WAY] i.e. Christianity (Acts 9:2, etc.).... [ Continue Reading ]
SHRINES] Many small terra-cotta and marble shrines of Artemis,
containing a figure of the goddess, have been found near Ephesus. They
were either dedicated in the Temple, or taken home by devout
worshippers as memorials of their pilgrimage.
DIANA] Really a native Asiatic deity, a personification of... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL ASIA] The Temple had been built by contributions from the whole of
Asia.... [ Continue Reading ]
WERE FULL OF WRATH] D adds, and 'running into the street' cried out,
etc. GREAT _is_ DIANA] D has, 'Great Diana of the Ephesians!' an
invocation of the goddess. This reading may be correct.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE THEATRE] would hold over 24,000 people.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE CHIEF OF ASIA] Gk. the 'Asiarchs.' They were officials, not of the
city of Ephesus, but of the province of Asia, and were specially
connected with the worship of the Roman emperor.... [ Continue Reading ]
Since Alexander was a Jew, it seems probable that the Jews put him
forward to explain to the angry mob that they had no sympathy whatever
with St. Paul's proceedings. The Jews' contempt for idols was well
known, and therefore there was imminent danger that they would be
involved in a massacre direct... [ Continue Reading ]
THE TOWNCLERK] This important official drafted the decrees of the
senate and people, and sealed them when they were passed. He presided
at the lawful assemblies of the people.
A WORSHIPPER] RV 'temple-keeper,' Gk. _neokoros_, lit.
'temple-sweeper.' A second-cent, inscription speaks of Ephesus as
'd... [ Continue Reading ]
BLASPHEMERS] It is clear that St. Paul had expressed his views with
gentleness and moderation.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE LAW, etc.] rather, 'the courts are open,' or, 'court days are
DEPUTIES] rather, 'proconsuls,' the correct title of the Roman
governor in a senatorial province like Asia. There was, of course,
only one proconsul in Asia. The plural is colloquial,' there are such
things as law courts and p... [ Continue Reading ]