Amos 2:1-5

THE SINS OF ISRAEL'S NEIGHBOURS AND THE PUNISHMENTS WHICH SHOULD FOLLOW 1. We may paraphrase the main part of the sentence thus: 'The words of Amos, describing what he saw in prophetic vision.' HERDMEN] or rather, 'keepers of a peculiar breed of sheep called _naqad_.' There must have been a number... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 2:3

JUDGE, SCEPTRE-HOLDER (Amos 1:5), KING (Amos 1:15), are all practically identical in meaning. 4, 5. The surrounding nations are charged with violations of the law written in the heart, Judah with offences against a law set forth in positive commandments. THEIR LIES] the unreal, imaginary deities, t... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 2:6-16

ISRAEL'S SINS AND INGRATITUDE 6-8. Israel is now threatened in the same form as the rest, but Amos 2:6 were not spoken by Amos at Bethel; they form the conclusion of the preface which he wrote after his return home. 6. The unrighteous judges condemn the innocent for the sake of a bribe. A PAIR OF... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 2:12

TEMAN was the name of a city and district of EDOM, 15 m. from Petra. The ruins of BOZRAH are 4 m. SE. of the Dead Sea. 13.Judges 11 and Jeremiah 49:1 show how eager the AMMONITES were to 'enlarge their border.' Such barbarities as are here mentioned were quite common in Oriental warfare (2 Kings 8:1... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 2:14

RABBAH] on the banks of the Upper Jabbok (2 Samuel 11:12). The shouting means the war-cry. 15. Some of the ancient translations, with which Jeremiah 49:3 (see RV) agrees, understand this v. as referring, not to the king, but to the Ammonite god Malcam, with his priests and his princes. This involve... [ Continue Reading ]

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