Chant] RV 'sing idle songs' is an improvement. The musicians were lazy triflers.

Invent to themselves, etc.] In the psalm which closes the Greek Psalter, David is made to assert: 'My hands fashioned an instrument, and my fingers fitted together a psaltery': see also 2 Chronicles 29:26; 2 Chronicles 29:27.

6. The goblet is not enough, they must have bowls to drink out of, bowls of costly material such as were generally used in divine service (Zechariah 9:15; Zechariah 14:20). The threatened ruin of the nation did not move these unpatriotic feasters to dispense with costly unguents, as men in trouble were usually ready to do (2 Samuel 14:2).

7. First in sin, first in punishment. The banquet, etc.] RV 'The revelry of them that stretched themselves shall pass away.' A play on sounds: Sar mirzach seruchim.

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