Amos 7:1

GRASSHOPPERS] RV 'Locusts.' THE LATTER GROWTH may possibly mean the grass which springs in Palestine after the late rains in March-April. We cannot be quite certain whether the king's MOWINGS or 'shearings' are here mentioned. Sheep-shearing in N. Palestine takes place about April. The KING'S mowing... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 7:1-17

THREE VISIONS AND AN INTERRUPTION 1-9. The visions. 10-17. The interruption. There are two senses in which the word 'Vision' may be used of one of the forms of Hebrew prophecy. In the first sense a state of mind closely akin to that of a dreamer is intended: 'I the Lord will make myself known unto... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 7:9

THE HIGH PLACES OF ISAAC] i.e. Beersheba (Amos 5:5), which was especially associated with Isaac (Genesis 27:23; Genesis 28:10). 10, 11. Amaziah, being a royal official, intervenes as soon as the king's name is brought in (Amos 7:9). He sends a message to Jeroboam II at Samaria (2 Kings 14:23), char... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 7:16

THOU SAYEST] in opposition to what THE LORD said (Amos 7:17). DROP NOT _thy word_] don't let it drip, drip, drip, in imbecile and wearisome fashion (Micah 2:6; Micah 2:11; Ezekiel 21:2; Ezekiel 21:7).... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 7:17

AN HARLOT] violated by the victorious soldiers. The greatest disaster that can befall an Eastern is to leave no son to continue his name. The ample domain of the wealthy priest would be divided into small properties for the new settlers (Jeremiah 6:2; Micah 2:4). A POLLUTED LAND] or, 'a land that is... [ Continue Reading ]

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