They] the opponents of Antiochus. The prince of the covenant] the high priest Onias III, deposed by Antiochus in 175 b.c.: see on Daniel 9:26.

25-27. The first campaigns of Antiochus in Egypt. The king of Egypt was now Ptolemy VI (Philometor), the son of Ptolemy V and Cleopatra (see on Daniel 11:17), and thus the nephew Of Antiochus. In 170 b.c. Ptolemy was preparing to recover Palestine, but was attacked by Antiochus, who defeated and captured him. Physcon, the brother of Ptolemy VI, was proclaimed king by the Egyptians, and Antiochus in 169 b.c. again made war on Egypt, pretending to act in the interest of Ptolemy VI, whose friend he now appeared to be.

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