Seventy weeks] or, 'sevens'—490 years. The expressions that follow certainly form a true description of the results of the sacrifice of Christ, but their terms are general, and they contain nothing that is not included in the pictures of the Messianic salvation which all the prophets connected with the restoration of the Jews to God's favour: see Isaiah 4:3; Isaiah 32:16; Isaiah 45:17; Isaiah 60:21. To finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins] to bring Israel's time of guilt and punishment to an end. To bring in everlasting righteousness] to introduce a new era of obedience. To seal up the vision and prophecy] read, 'to seal' (ratify) 'vision and prophecy,' to fulfil the anticipations of all the prophetic books. To anoint the most Holy (RV 'holy')] to consecrate a most holy thing, an altar or a sanctuary.

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