Deuteronomy 14:1-29
DISFIGURINGS FOR MOURNING FORBIDDEN. CLEAN AND UNCLEAN MEATS SPECIFIED 1. Practices connected with idolatry: see on Leviticus 19:27; Leviticus 19:28.... [ Continue Reading ]
DISFIGURINGS FOR MOURNING FORBIDDEN. CLEAN AND UNCLEAN MEATS SPECIFIED 1. Practices connected with idolatry: see on Leviticus 19:27; Leviticus 19:28.... [ Continue Reading ]
The foundation of the entire moral and ceremonial law is contained in this and the preceding verse. Israel is the people whom Jehovah has chosen and called His children. As such they must be holy: see intro. to Leviticus 17-26. 3-20. On the law of clean and unclean beasts, see Leviticus 1:1 and not... [ Continue Reading ]
The PYGARG is probably a kind of antelope. The exact meaning of the Hebrew word is doubtful, as it only occurs in this passage. As the CHAMOIS is unknown in Palestine, a species of wild mountain sheep is probably meant.... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT DIETH OF ITSELF] For the meaning of this prohibition see on Leviticus 17:10; On the prohibition to seethe a Md in its mother's milk see on Exodus 23:19.... [ Continue Reading ]
The produce of the soil is to be tithed and the tithe eaten at the central sanctuary, except when this is inconvenient on account of distance (Deuteronomy 14:24), in which case the tithe is to be turned into money, and spent on a sacrificial feast to which the Levites are to be invited (Deuteronomy... [ Continue Reading ]