In threshing, the sheaves were spread out upon a hard beaten piece of ground (the threshing floor), and over them a pair of oxen dragged a wooden sledge or harrow about 5 ft. square, upon which the driver stood to add weight to it. In 1 Corinthians 9:9

1 Timothy 5:17; St. Paul applies this precept to the duty of supporting those who preach the gospel: see on Exodus 23:4; Exodus 23:5.

5-10. Marriage of a brother's widow. Among the Jews it was regarded as a great calamity that the family line should become extinct. If a man died childless, his name perished and his property passed to the families of his brothers. To obviate this was the purpose of this law of the levirate marriage (Lat. levir = a husband's brother). The duty of marrying a brother's widow was not enforced, but the refusal to do so was regarded as disgraceful. Failing a brother the duty devolved upon the nearest male relative. See on Leviticus 18:16, and see Ruth 2:20; Ruth 3:9; Ruth 4.

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