To the repetition of the Decalogue Moses adds in the following Chapter
s a practical exhortation to obedience founded on the special relation
of Jehovah to Israel as their Redeemer (6-11). Deuteronomy 6
particularly insists upon the remembrance of God's statutes and the
train... [ Continue Reading ]
Love goes deeper than fear. It is the fulfilling of all law, and
includes obedience. Both in the OT. and in the New it is the effect of
God's greatest love in redemption. 'We love Him because He first loved
8, 9. Cp. Deuteronomy 11:18. From early times the Jews understood this
injunction litera... [ Continue Reading ]
SWEAR BY HIS NAME] Jehovah, the God of truth, is to be recognised as
the unseen witness of all agreements between a man and his neighbour,
and the avenger of all falsehood: cp. the Third Commandment.... [ Continue Reading ]
They tempted God at Massah by insisting that He should prove His
presence among them in the way that they prescribed: see Exodus 17:7.
But man must beware of dictating to God, in unbelief and presumption.
Our Lord refused to demand from God a special token of His presence
and care, and quoted this w... [ Continue Reading ]