5. Seventy souls] Jacob himself is included in the number: cp. Genesis
46:8. Of the seventy, sixty-eight were males. If to the direct
descendants of Jacob we add the wives of his sons and grandsons, and
the husbands of his daughters and grand-daughters, and all their
se... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe the number of words denoting increase. The land is the land of
Goshen in the Delta of the Nile.... [ Continue Reading ]
This verse marks the turn of the tide in the fortunes of Israel.
Hitherto they have been tolerated and honoured; now they are feared
and oppressed. The change of treatment is here said to be connected
with a change in the government of Egypt. As mentioned in the
Introduction, Egypt for several hundr... [ Continue Reading ]
TREASURE CITIES] store cities, situated on the frontier, and serving
both as strongholds for defence against invasion and as military
depots of provisions and arms. PITHOM] i.e. the 'Abode of the Setting
Sun,' has been identifled with Tel-el Maskhuta, between Kassassin and
Ismaїliyeh. The walls of t... [ Continue Reading ]
THE MORE THEY MULTIPLIED] The whole history of the exodus and sojourn
in the wilderness is designed to show that nothing can destroy the
people of Israel, or thwart the divine purpose with regard to them.... [ Continue Reading ]
SERVICE IN THE FIELD] This refers to the construction of irrigation
canals and embankments, as well as to the making of bricks for
building. With what rigour the system of forced labour was employed
may be judged from the fact recorded by Herodotus that 120,000 workmen
lost their lives in the constr... [ Continue Reading ]
The names of only two of the mid-wives have been preserved. These two
were probably connected with the royal palace.... [ Continue Reading ]
STOOLS] RV 'birthstool.'... [ Continue Reading ]
There was, no doubt, some truth in what the midwives said, though
their womanly instincts led them to evade the unnatural command of the
king.... [ Continue Reading ]
MADE THEM HOUSES] I.E. blessed them with marriage and many
descendants: cp. Ruth 4:11; 2 Samuel 7:27; 1 Kings 11:38.... [ Continue Reading ]