Exodus 10:1-29
THE EIGHTH AND NINTH PLAGUES 1-20. The Eighth Plague:—Locusts.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE EIGHTH AND NINTH PLAGUES 1-20. The Eighth Plague:—Locusts.... [ Continue Reading ]
See on Exodus 7:4; 3. This question shows that Pharaoh was responsible for the hardening of his heart: see on Exodus 4:21. 4-6. Travellers are unanimous in bearing witness to the terrible ravages caused by a visitation of locusts. They fly in dense swarms, sometimes miles in length, so that the ai... [ Continue Reading ]
LET THE LORD BE SO WITH YOU..] This is spoken in scorn, and is equivalent to a refusal to let them go. EVIL _is_ BEFORE YOU] i.e. your intentions are evil: cp. Psalms 101:3;... [ Continue Reading ]
YE _that are_ MEN] Pharaoh means to keep the women and children as a pledge that the others will return: cp. Exodus 10:24.... [ Continue Reading ]
AN EAST WIND] Locusts are known frequently to have come from the East, being bred in Syria and Arabia. In this instance they were removed by a west wind which carried them into the Red Sea (Exodus 10:19).... [ Continue Reading ]
THIS DEATH] A graphic description of the desolation caused by the plague.... [ Continue Reading ]
RED SEA] The Gk. name, given perhaps on account of the red coral which lines its floors and sides. The Heb. name is _Yam Suph_, which means 'Sea of Reeds.' 21-29. The Ninth Plague:—Darkness.... [ Continue Reading ]
This plague, like the third and sixth, was sent without warning. It is not said how the darkness was produced, but in all probability it had a natural basis, like the other plagues. It resembles the darkness caused by the khamsin, a S. or SW. wind, excessively hot and charged with fine dust, which b... [ Continue Reading ]
Cp. the former concession of Pharaoh in Exodus 10:11. He is now willing to let the people go, but wishes to retain their flocks, in order to ensure their return.... [ Continue Reading ]
WE KNOW NOT WITH WHAT WE MUST SERVE THE LORD] a reason for taking all their flocks with them. The feast was new, and they did not know what they might require.... [ Continue Reading ]
The present interview does not terminate with these words, but is continued in the next chapter Moses leaves the presence of Pharaoh at Exodus 11:8; Exodus 11:1 may be regarded as a parenthesis.... [ Continue Reading ]