Exodus 13:1-22

THE CONSECRATION OF THE FIRSTBORN. THE MARCH TO ETHAM 1-16. The Consecration of the Firstborn. All Israel was holy unto the Lord: see on Exodus 19:5; Exodus 19:6. But the firstborn of man and beast were specially consecrated to Him, as the part representing the whole. There was a special fitness in... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 13:9

A SIGN UPON THINE HAND] a figurative expression meaning that they were never to lose sight of this duty. In later times the Jews understood this injunction literally, and to this day at times of prayer they attach to their left arm and forehead small cases containing pieces of parchment inscribed wi... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 13:13

THE ASS is here mentioned as a representative of 'unclean' domestic animals (see Leviticus 11:2.) which could not be offered in sacrifice. For such, a lamb was to be substituted; if not, its neck must be broken. This would ensure its redemption, as every one would prefer parting with a lamb to losin... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 13:17

The most direct route to Canaan from Raamses in the Eastern Delta where the host had mustered, would have been northeastwards along the Mediterranean coast. This would have implied a journey of not more than 150 or 200 miles. But it would immediately have brought them into collision with the Philist... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 13:20

SUCCOTH] see on Exodus 12:37. ETHAM] not identified. It was probably one of the frontier fortifications. The WILDERNESS is probably that of Shur (cp. Exodus 15:22, and see on Genesis 16:7). In Numbers 33:8 it is called the 'wilderness of Etham.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 13:21

There was only one PILLAR, which in daylight had the appearance of smoke and by night glowed with fire: see Exodus 14:20; Exodus 14:24. It was the symbol of the divine presence with the host (see on Exodus 3:2), and was their signal and guide on the march: see Exodus 40:34, and cp. Numbers 9:15. It... [ Continue Reading ]

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