Exodus 15:1-27

THE SONG OF MOSES On the further shore of the Red Sea the Israelites celebrate their deliverance in a magnificent hymn of praise. It consists of three strophes or stanzas of increasing length, viz. Exodus 15:2; Exodus 15:6; Exodus 15:11. The first v. is introductory and may have been repeated as a c... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 15:1

THE LORD] Jehovah—so throughout the song, in which the might of Israel's God is contrasted with the powerlessness of the Egyptian idols: see e.g. Exodus 15:3; Exodus 15:6; Exodus 15:11.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 15:11

THE GODS] see on Exodus 15:1, and on Exodus 7:4; Exodus 7:5. At this period the gods of other nations might be conceived as real beings, though infinitely inferior to Jehovah. Gradually, however, the Hebrews rose to the truth of one God, the so-called gods of the nations being nonentities: see on Ex... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 15:13

THY HOLY HABITATION] The land of Canaan is meant, or perhaps more particularly Mt. Moriah, where the Temple was erected. This is an indication that the Song assumed its present form after the occupation of Canaan.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 15:14

THE PEOPLE] heathen nations dwelling in the wilderness and in Canaan. PALESTINA] properly the land of the Philistines. The name was afterwards extended to the whole land of Canaan.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 15:16

PURCHASED] Jehovah's proprietorship in them was secured by redemption. Hence His claim upon their gratitude and obedience: cp. e.g. Deuteronomy 4:34 and the ground on which the Ten Commandments are based, Exodus 20:2, where see note: cp. also 2 Corinthians 5:14; 1 Peter 1:18; 1 Peter 1:19.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 15:17

MOUNTAIN OF THINE INHERITANCE] The highlands of Canaan: cp. Jeremiah 2:7. _IN_ THE PLACE _IN_ THE SANCTUARY] The fixed abode of the ark is meant here, perhaps Shiloh its first resting-place: see Joshua 18:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 15:19

This v. is a later addition indicating the occasion on which the Song was composed. Its insertion here suggests that the Song had a separate existence prior to its incorporation in the book of Exodus. It is unnecessary where it now stands.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 15:20

MIRIAM THE PROPHETESS] the sister of Moses: see on Exodus 2:1. As Aaron was the elder of the two brothers, she is here described as his sister. On the meaning of the term 'prophet' see on Exodus 7:1; Numbers 11:25. TIMBREL] i.e. tambourine, still used by Eastern women to accompany their singing and... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 15:21

ANSWERED THEM] The pronoun is masculine. Miriam and the women sang the refrain to the stanzas sung by the men. With these triumphal strains the first part of the book of Exodus closes. PART 2. (Exodus 15:22 to Exodus 18:27) March from the Red Sea to Mount Sinai Leaving the shore of the Red Sea, th... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 15:22

WILDERNESS OF SHUR] Between the coast of the Gulf of Suez and the high central table-land is a strip of level country. The northern half is part of the wilderness of Shur. The southern part is called the wilderness of Sin in Exodus 16:1. The Israelites march southwards along this narrow maritime pla... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 15:23

MARAH] lit. 'bitterness': cp. Ruth 1:20. This station is by some identified with Ain Suweirah, 30 m. S. of the present head of the Gulf of Suez. The bitterness of the springs in this district is attested by all travellers. It is caused by the abundance of natron in the soil.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 15:25

THE LORD SHEWED HIM A TREE] There are certain plants whose bark and leaves are employed to sweeten bitter water. Lesseps mentions a kind of thorn found in the desert possessing anti-saline properties. Here, as in the case of the Plagues in Egypt, the miracle was effected by means of a natural agent.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 15:26

THAT HEALETH THEE] lit. 'thy physician.' The term is employed with reference to the 'healing' of the noxious waters: cp. Psalms 103:8; Psalms 107:19; Psalms 107:20.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 15:27

ELIM] The word means 'trees.' Elim is probably the modern Wady Ghurundel, 'where there is a good deal of vegetation, especially stunted palms, acacias, and tamarisks, and a number of water-holes in the sand.' The minuteness of the description in this v. suggests the testimony of an eye-witness. Ther... [ Continue Reading ]

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