Exodus 24:1-18

THE RATIFICATION OF THE COVENANT 1. And he said] The first two vv. of this chapter are a continuation of the narrative from Exodus 20:21, which was interrupted by the insertion of the Book of the Covenant, originally a separate document. chapter Exodus 23:33 is continued in Exodus 24:3. NADAB, AND... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:3

AND MOSES CAME AND TOLD THE PEOPLE] after he had ascended the mountain and received the 'words and the judgments 'contained in Chapter s Exodus 20:22 to Exodus 23:33 : cp. Exodus 21:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:4

AND MOSES WROTE] see on Exodus 17:14. The altar symbolised the presence of Jehovah, the twelve pillars represented the twelve tribes of Israel. These pillars were single unhewn stones which were smeared with the blood of the sacrificial animal or with the oil of a vegetable offering: see on Genesis... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:6

The sprinkling of the altar with half the blood and of the people with the other half (Exodus 24:8) signified that both parties, Jehovah and Israel, entered into fellowship and bound themselves by the terms of the covenant, the people promising obedience and Jehovah promising His help and blessing.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:8

CONCERNING ALL THESE WORDS] RM 'upon all these conditions.' 9-11. The ratification of the covenant is concluded with a sacrificial meal (Exodus 24:11), which usually followed the peace offering and symbolised the harmonious relationship existing between the offerers and God: see Leviticus 3. At this... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:10

THEY SAW THE GOD OF ISRAEL] A very bold anthropomorphic way of describing the experience of these favoured persons, which the Gk. (LXX) Version, made many centuries later, avoids by translating 'they saw the place where God stood.' At the same time it is noticeable that the sacred writer evinces a g... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:12

Moses receives another command to come up into the mount and receive the tables of the Law and other directions connected with the outward service of religion. TABLES OF STONE] From Deuteronomy 5:22 we learn that these contained the Ten Commandments, and the same is implied in chapter Exodus 34:28,... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:14

SAID UNTO THE ELDERS] not merely the seventy spoken of in Exodus 24:1, but all the representatives of the people. They are to see that the camp is not removed from the plain during the absence of Moses.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:15

MOSES WENT UP] Joshua accompanied him part of the way, and seems to have awaited his return somewhere on the mountain side: see Exodus 32:17.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:18

FORTY DAYS AND FORTY NIGHTS] The later account adds that during this time he neither ate nor drank (Deuteronomy 9:9). On the number forty see on Exodus 2:21.... [ Continue Reading ]

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