The Tabernacle Proper

This, which in the Hebrew is called 'the dwelling' (see on Exodus 25:9), consists of an oblong tent, 30 cubits long, 10 broad, and 10 high, and stands within the 'court of the tabernacle' (Exodus 27:9 -f.). It is formed of a frame of open woodwork, over which are spread four layers of coverings, the undermost being of linen embroidered with figures of cherubim, the second of goathair cloth, the third of ramskin, and the outermost of sealskin. Internally, therefore, the tabernacle had the appearance of rows of panels enclosing a pattern of cherubim. The tabernacle was divided into two chambers by means of a veil suspended from the roof at a distance of 10 cubits from the back wall. The innermost chamber, or Holy of Holies, was therefore in shape a perfect cube of 10 cubits in the side. The roof, of which nothing is said, is best understood as flat. At the time of the conquest and settlement in Canaan, we hear of a tabernacle being set up at Shiloh, where it seems to have remained during the time of the Judges (Joshua 18:1; Judges 21:19; 1 Samuel 1:3). In the time of David it seems to have been at Nob (1 Samuel 21:1), and afterwards at Gibeon (1 Chronicles 21:29), where it was at the beginning of Solomon's reign (2 Chronicles 1:13). After the building of Solomon's temple we hear no more of it, its furniture being then transferred to the more permanent building.

1-14. The Coverings.

1-6. The undermost covering. This is of linen ornamented with cherubim of 'cunning work,' i.e. of tapestry or embroidery. Ten pieces of material, each 28 × 4 cubits, are sewn together in two sets of five (Exodus 26:3), which are then joined at their edges by means of loops and golden 'taches,' i.e. clasps (Exodus 26:4), to form one large covering 40 cubits long and 28 wide. Of this length, 30 cubits are taken up with the roof, leaving 10 cubits to hang down the back. The front is left open, to be afterwards closed with a separate hanging (Exodus 26:36). Of the breadth, 10 cubits form the roof, leaving 18 to hang down and form the two sides. The covering, it will be observed, does not reach the ground at the sides, but this is not necessary, as there is a base running all round supporting the wooden frame (Exodus 26:19).

7-13. The second covering. This is of goathair and is spread over the first. By joining eleven pieces, each 30 × 4 cubits, a covering is obtained 44 cubits long and 30 wide. The ampler width allows this covering to reach the ground at the sides. The extra length of 4 cubits is partly taken up by doubling back the edge a distance of 2 cubits, leaving 2 cubits the distribution of which is not clear (Exodus 26:12).

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