Flowing with milk and honey] A proverbial expression indicating fertility and abundance. On the tribes inhabiting Canaan see on Genesis 10; Numbers 34:1.

11. With the hesitation of Moses compare that of Jeremiah, Jeremiah 1:4. Forty years before Moses was more self-confident (cp. Acts 7:25). In the long sojourn in Midian he learned to mistrust himself, and was on that account all the more fitted to be the instrument of Him whose 'strength is made perfect in weakness.' Moses here puts forward four excuses, each of which is in turn overborne. He pleads (1) that he is personally unfit (Exodus 3:11), (2) that the Israelites will not know who sent him (Exodus 3:13), (3) that they will not believe that Jehovah has sent him (Exodus 4:1), and (4) that he does not possess the gift of persuasive eloquence (Exodus 4:10). I will be with thee] The guarantee of fitness and success: cp. our Lord's promise, Matthew 28:20. A token] The token was still in the future: cp. 1 Samuel 2:34; 2 Kings 19:29; Isaiah 7:14. Experience corroborates the ventures of faith. For the fulfilment of this sign see Exodus 19.

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