Exodus 8:1-32

THE SECOND, THIRD, AND FOURTH PLAGUES 1-15. The Second Plague:—Frogs. This plague, like the first, was not only in itself loathsome, but an offence to the religious notions of the Egyptians. The frog was a sacred animal, and regarded as representing the reproductive powers of nature. At least one... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 8:3

OVENS] These were large earthenware jars or pots about 3 ft. high, which were heated by being filled with burning brushwood. The dough was baked by being laid in thin layers on the hot sides of the jar. Sometimes the oven consisted of a hole dug in the ground outside the house and plastered with cla... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 8:7

The plague would not be difficult to imitate, seeing the frogs abounded everywhere. But the magicians could not remove the plague.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 8:9

GLORY OVER ME] RV 'Have thou this glory over me': an expression of courtesy equivalent to 'I am at your service.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 8:13

THE FROGS DIED] They did not return to the Nile, but remained to pollute the land. The removal of the plague in a manner intensified it. 16-19. The Third Plague:—Lice.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 8:16

LICE] RM 'sandflies,' Or 'fleas.' Opinion has been divided both in ancient and modern times as to the nature of these insects. From the fact that they are here said to have attacked the beasts as well as man, and to have come out of the dust, it has been inferred that they were gnats or mosquitoes.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 8:18

The magicians fail to imitate this plague, and acknowledge its supernatural origin. They said, 'This is the finger of God,' or 'of a god.' This does not amount to an acknowlodgment of Jehovah. They may have been thinking of their own gods. 20-32. The Fourth Plague:—Flies.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 8:21

SWARMS OF _FLIES_] The nature of the pests is not indicated, as the Heb. word means simply 'swarms.' The LXX calls them 'dog-flies': cp. Isaiah 7:18. A general opinion is that they were beetles, of a peculiarly destructive sort. If this is correct, then the plague was again a severe blow to the reli... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 8:22

It is implied here that hitherto the Hebrews had suffered along with the Egyptians. But now the exemption of the Hebrews from the plagues would show that it was the God of the Hebrews who was working on their behalf, and not one of the gods of the Egyptians as the magicians had suggested (Exodus 8:1... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 8:26

THE ABOMINATION OF THE EGYPTIANS] Animal worship was very prevalent in Egypt, certain kinds of animals being regarded as peculiarly sacred and on no account to be slaughtered. For the Israelites to sacrifice cattle, sheep, and goats would be to outrage the religious feelings of the Egyptians, and mi... [ Continue Reading ]

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