Dummelow's Commentary on the Bible
Ezekiel 2:13
Noise of the wheels] in addition to the noise of the wings of the living creatures. The latter sound alone is mentioned in Ezekiel 1:24.
The Second Commission (Ezekiel 3:14)
Ezekiel, still under a strong, divinely produced excitement, came to the community of exiles at Tel-abib, near the Chebar, and after seven days of stupefaction he received a further commission from God. It was unaccompanied by any vision, and the manner in which he received it is undescribed, as is so often the case with the prophets. The new element in this second commission was the thought of Ezekiel's responsibility for the fate of his people, and it was set forth in the title of 'watchman,' now given to him for the first time. This responsibility was exhausted when he had warned them of their danger and duty. Only if he failed to do so would he be held accountable for their sin and doom.