The Sword of the Lord against Jerusalem (and Ammon?)

Ezekiel 21 of the Hebrew Bible begins with Ezekiel 20:45 of the English. It is mainly concerned with Jerusalem (Ezekiel 20:45 to Ezekiel 21:27), but has an appendix consisting of a short prophecy about Ammon, which has been interpreted in different ways (Ezekiel 21:28).

(a) Against Jerusalem (Ezekiel 20:45 to Ezekiel 21:27)

An enigmatic parable of a forest fire in the S. (Ezekiel 20:45) is explained as referring to the land of Israel, against which God's sword is drawn (Ezekiel 21:1). Ezekiel's distress at the announcement is a sign of the dismay which all will feel when it comes to pass (Ezekiel 20:6). A 'Song of the Sword' follows (Ezekiel 20:8). Next comes a picture of Nebuchadrezzar halting on his march on Palestine, and consulting his oracles as to whether Jerusalem or Ammon should be attacked first. The omens decide for Jerusalem, which is doomed to capture, though its people make light of the heathen oracles (Ezekiel 20:18). The prophecy ends with a denunciation of Zedekiah, and a hint of the future ideal king (Ezekiel 20:25).

46, 47. Field.. forest of the south] Palestine lay almost due W. of Babylon, but the way between them took a circuit N. owing to the desert, and to one coming from Babylon, Palestine lay directly S. in the last stages of the journey.

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