Ezekiel 42:1-20

THE NEW TEMPLE Ezekiel, transported in vision to Palestine, is set down on the N. side of the Temple mountain, and sees the Temple buildings extending to the S. like a city. A supernatural figure, like those in Ezekiel 9, appears, and measures the various parts of the Temple in Ezekiel's presence ... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:5

CUBIT] Yarious sizes of cubit, from 18 in. to nearly 24 in. were employed in ancient measurements. Ezekiel's cubit was one of the larger forms—an ordinary cubit and a handbreadth.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:11

THE LENGTH OF THE GATE, THIRTEEN CUBITS] an obscure statement, not reconcilable with the other measurements. If 'breadth' instead of 'length' were meant 13 + 6 + 6 would make 25, but this would allow no space for the outer walls of the guardrooms.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:12

THE SPACE] RV 'and a border,' probably a low parapet in front of each guard-room (_fg, hi, kl_) taking a cubit on either side off the width of the passage.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:14

HE MADE.. THREESCORE CUBITS] read, with LXX, 'and he measured the porch (_d_) 20 cubits' (i.e. in length, the breadth being 8 cubits, Ezekiel 40:9). The latter half of the v. is obscure.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:16

ARCHES] should be 'porch,' and so everywhere. THE OUTER COURT (Ezekiel 40:17) had a pavement (Fig. 3, _B_) 50 cubits wide, corresponding to the length of the gateways. On this pavement were 30 chambers (_C_), the exact arrangement of which is unknown. From the inner opening of the outer gateways to... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:18

OVER AGAINST] RV 'answerable unto.' THE OUTER NORTHERN GATEWAY (Ezekiel 40:20), Fig. 3, _N._ This was similar to the E. gateway. 'Porch' should be read for 'arches.' Seven steps led up to this gateway, and the breadth of the outer court was the same on the N. as on the E. side. THE OUTER SOUTHERN... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:38

THE CHAMBERS AND THE ENTRIES] RV ' a chamber with the door.' THE CHAMBERS FOR THE SINGERS (Ezekiel 40:44), Fig. 3, _DD._ These were two in number. One, by the N. gateway and looking toward the S., was for the priests. The other, by the S. gateway and looking toward the N., was for the Levites.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:44

EAST] should obviously be S.: see RM. WITHOUT THE INNER GATE] means not 'in the outer court,' but 'beyond the gateway, in the inner court.' DIMENSIONS OF THE INNER COURT (Ezekiel 40:47). Excluding the space occupied by the gateways, this court formed a square (Fig. 3, _iklm_) of 100 cubits each way... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:49

ELEVEN] should be 'twelve,' as the LXX reads, and the other measurements require: see Ezekiel 41:13. AND _he brought me_ .. WHEREBY] RM 'and by ten steps.'... [ Continue Reading ]

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