The Priests and the Levites

Standing at the inner northern gate Ezekiel again saw the glory of God filling the Temple and was again addressed by the divine voice (Ezekiel 44:4). The Speaker first rebuked the custom which had prevailed in the old Temple, of having foreigners as servants in the sanctuary (Ezekiel 44:6). He directed that in future their place should be taken by the Lévites who were not of the family of Zadok. These had formerly shared the priestly office, but for their encouragement of Israel's idolatry they were to be deprived of this privilege, and to have humbler services assigned to them (Ezekiel 44:9). The Levites of the family of Zadok alone were to exercise the priesthood in future (Ezekiel 44:15). No mention is made of the high priest. Various regulations follow as to the priests, clothing, marriage, public duties, defilement and purification, and sacrificial perquisites (Ezekiel 44:17). This passage has an important bearing on the date of certain parts of the Pentateuch (see Intro.).

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