Ezekiel 46:1-24

THE OFFERINGS AT THE SACRED SEASONS, ETC (This whole passage should be compared with Numbers 28:29.) _(A) THE ATONEMENT FOR THE SANCTUARY (EZEKIEL 45:18)_ This was to take place twice yearly, on the first days of the first and seventh months. These two days in Ezekiel serve the same purpose as th... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 46:7

HIS HAND.. UNTO] RV 'he is able.' _(E) VARIOUS REGULATIONS FOR WORSHIP (EZEKIEL 46:9)_ No one was to leave the outer court by the gate by which he came in. If he entered by the N. gate he must go out by the S. and _vice versa_ (Ezekiel 45:9). The prince and the people were to enter and leave togeth... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 46:12

Voluntary] RV 'freewill offering, a.' VOLUNTARILY] RV 'as a freewill offering.' _(F) THE DAILY BURNT OFFERING (EZEKIEL 46:13)_ Cp. with this Exodus 29:38; Numbers 28:3. The proportions of Ezekiel's meal offering differ from those in Ex and Nu, and he says nothing about a drink offering or an eveni... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 46:14

TEMPER WITH] RV 'moisten', MEAT OFFERING] RV 'meal offering': so in Ezekiel 45:15. _(G) GIFTS OF LAND BY THE PRINCE (EZEKIEL 46:16)_ Such gifts could only be made from the Prince's own possessions (Fig. 7, _PP_). If they were given to his sons they were made in perpetuity, but if to his servants,... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 46:20

THE SEVENTH _day_ OF THE MONTH] LXX 'in the seventh month, on the first day of the month'. Reconcile] RV 'make atonement for.' _(B) THE PASSOVER (EZEKIEL 45:21)_ With these regulations cp. Exodus 12:18; Leviticus 23:5; Numbers 9:2; Deuteronomy 16:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 46:23

PLACES OF THEM THAT BOIL] RV 'boiling houses.' Kid of the goats] RV 'he-goat.' _(C) THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES (EZEKIEL 45:25)_ This was to hold the same place in the seventh month as the Passover in the first month: cp. Leviticus 23:34; Numbers 29:12; Deuteronomy 16:13. Ezekiel makes no mention of... [ Continue Reading ]

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