Ezekiel 48:1

TO THE COAST OF] RV 'beside', AS ONE GOETH TO] RV 'to the entering in of', FOR THESE ARE HIS SIDES] RV 'and they shall have their sides',... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 48:1-35

THE NEW ISRAEL (EZEKIEL 33-48) So long as the Jewish kingdom remained in existence Ezekiel's prophecies (those in Ezekiel 1-24) dealt almost exclusively with the nation's sin, and with the certainty of its overthrow. But when these prophecies were fulfilled by the fall of Jerusalem his message assum... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 48:21

The portions] The territories of Judah and Benjamin. _(C) THE GATES OF THE CITY (EZEKIEL 48:30)_ The city, excluding the suburbs, was a square of 4,500 cubits each way, or 18,000 cubits in circuit. It had twelve gates, three on each side, and called after the twelve tribes, Joseph being here one t... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 48:28

See on Ezekiel 47:19. _(B) THE SACRED TERRITORY (EZEKIEL 48:8)_ This has already been partly described in Ezekiel 45:1. It formed a zone extending from the Mediterranean to the Jordan, between the portion of Judah on the N. and that of Benjamin on the S. (see Fig. 8). Its breadth was 25,000 cubits... [ Continue Reading ]

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