Then the prophets] The hostility of their neighbours (Ezra 4:4), coupled with disastrous seasons (Haggai 1:10; Haggai 2:17), had so discouraged the people that they said 'The time is not come for the Lord's house to be built' (Haggai 1:2). Out of this despondency they were roused by two prophets, whose presence amongst them must of itself have convinced them that the Spirit of the Lord was once more with them.

Haggai] The prophecies of Haggai were all delivered in the second year of Darius. In them he upbraided the people for bunding substantial houses for themselves whilst neglecting the House of God; attributed to such neglect the prevalent scarcity, which was God's judgment upon them; and when the work was once again taken in hand by Zerubbabel, predicted that the glory of the second Temple would exceed that of the first.

Zechariah] The prophecies of Zechariah (who was really son of Berechiah and grandson of Iddo) were delivered at intervals between the second and fourth years of Darius. In them he consoled his countrymen for their afflictions, denounced (God's wrath upon the nations who had oppressed Jerusalem, encouraged with hopes of a great future both Zerubbabel and Joshua in their work of rebuilding the Temple, and exhorted the people to truth, justice, and mercy.

In the name.. even unto them] RM 'in the name of the God of Israel which was upon them': cp. Jeremiah 14:9 (which is lit. 'thy name is called upon us').

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