1-14. The Apostle upbraids the Galatians with their speedy change from
faith to legal observances, reminding them of the fact that their
reception of the Spirit had not been through the works of the Law, but
through faith, and appealing both to the testimony of... [ Continue Reading ]
FOOLISH] thoughtless, undiscerning, inconsistent. BEWITCHED] and so
perverted you.
BEFORE WHOSE EYES] Paul had vividly (EVIDENTLY, RV 'openly') portrayed
the crucified Christ as Saviour.... [ Continue Reading ]
THIS ONLY] one question will reveal your error and inconsistency.
RECEIVED YE, etc.] Of course the latter was the case.... [ Continue Reading ]
SPIRIT and FLESH denote the characteristics of Gospel and Law
respectively—the spheres to which they belong: cp. Galatians 6:12.
The Galatians had begun by putting their trust in Christ, and living a
new life under His abiding influence. To forget this beginning and to
aim not at living according to... [ Continue Reading ]
HAVE YE SUFFERED.. IN VAIN] It was all for naught, and might better
not have been endured, unless the gospel is deserving of their
consistent adherence. IF _it be_ YET IN VAIN] There was still hope
that they might be reached and convinced by the appeal now made to
them.... [ Continue Reading ]
HE THAT, etc.] i.e. God. MIRACLES] cp. 1 Corinthians 12. _Doeth he
it_, etc.] Of course, in the latter way, or on the latter condition.... [ Continue Reading ]
AS ABRAHAM] a typical case, which the Judaisers could not gainsay: cp.
Genesis 15:6. St. Paul declares: Our Jewish sacred Scriptures teach
salvation by faith. Abraham was blessed because he trusted in God
absolutely, and did His will, before the Law even existed. So men are
now to trust in Christ th... [ Continue Reading ]
Sonship to Abraham, therefore (in the spiritual sense), is determined
by faith.... [ Continue Reading ]
PREACHED BEFORE (RV 'beforehand')] proclaimed long in advance the
central principle of the Christian gospel.... [ Continue Reading ]
The conclusion which follows from Galatians 3:2; Galatians 3:5.... [ Continue Reading ]
Why men cannot be saved by legal works of merit; they must be perfect
and complete, or they never can be: cp. Deuteronomy 27:26; Romans
2:13; Romans 3:20; Romans 4:4; Romans 8:3; Romans 10:5.
11, 12. Further scriptural confirmation: cp. Hab24. Even under the Law
a man was counted righteous not beca... [ Continue Reading ]
REDEEMED] a figure drawn from the analogy of ransoming captives. US]
i.e. Jews.
THE CURSE] the condemnation pronounced by the Law upon sin. BEING
MADE] by submitting to the shame of being crucified: cp. Deuteronomy
21:23. The Law declared that any one who died a criminal's death upon
a cross was acc... [ Continue Reading ]
COVENANT] better as mg. 'testament,' or will. It is an 'inheritance'
that is in question (Galatians 3:18). According to Ramsay, this word
'will' as understood in the Galatian cities meant 'a provision to
maintain the family with its religious obligations... The appointment
of an heir was the adoptio... [ Continue Reading ]
THY SEED, WHICH IS CHRIST] St. Paul here argues from the fact that the
singular number is used—'seed,' not 'seeds'; but the verbal
reasoning does not affect the argument. The word is collective. He
regards Christ as including all who are united to Him by faith, who
are the true seed of Abraham.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE LAW.. CANNOT DISANNUL] the will of God is irrevocable (as is seen
even in the case of the wills of men); the Law, therefore, cannot be
contrary to it, but must be explained in some other way. FOUR HUNDRED
AND THIRTY YEARS] The giving of the Law is dated 430 years after
Abraham's sojourn in Canaa... [ Continue Reading ]
THE INHERITANCE] the blessings promised to Abraham, here understood in
the sense of the spiritual blessing of salvation through Christ. OF
THE LAW.. OF PROMISE] two contrasted dispensations; salvation cannot
be by both. Scripture is explicit in favour of the latter. It is
better to depend upon a pro... [ Continue Reading ]
Inferior character of the Law shown (1) by its aim to make
transgressions abound, cp. Romans 3:20; Romans 4:15; Romans 5:20;
Romans 7:7 and (2) by its mediation through the angels and Moses: cp.
Deuteronomy 33:2; Acts 7:53. ORDAINED BY ANGELS] an addition of the
rabbis to Scripture. St. Paul is just... [ Continue Reading ]
There is no place for a mediator where there is but one party to a
transaction. Now, in issuing His promise to Abraham, God stands forth
independent and alone. The point is the contrast between the
conditions of the giving of the Law and of the promise. The former
depends upon the fulfilling of a co... [ Continue Reading ]
It does not follow because the Law and the promise are of different
rank that they are contrary.... [ Continue Reading ]
CONCLUDED ALL] RV 'shut up all things.' The OT. teaches what the
Gospel teaches, that all need a gracious salvation. Both Law and
Gospel contemplate the same ultimate end. 'The connexion of the
argument is, that if the Law could give men spiritual life, and so
enable them to fulfil its precepts, it... [ Continue Reading ]
FAITH] i.e. the Gospel, whose principle is faith. Both Faith and Law
are here personified. KEPT] RV 'kept in ward,' imprisoned by the Law's
verdict upon sin, awaiting the time of our deliverance through Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
SCHOOLMASTER] cp. Romans 7:7. Tutor, or trainer, who by his
chastisement for our faults made us see our need of grace and pardon.
St. Paul may have been thinking of the Jewish custom of fathers daily
conducting their sons to school.... [ Continue Reading ]
The Law is the stern jailer or disciplinarian; Faith the liberator
from bondage and chastisement. WE] i.e. the Jews.... [ Continue Reading ]
YE.. ALL] whether Jews or Gentiles, are no longer bondsmen (cp. Romans
8:14.), but sons: see Galatians 3:16; Galatians 3:17 are a kind of
parenthesis.... [ Continue Reading ]
BAPTIZED INTO CHRIST] entered by baptism into the relation of
fellowship with Christ. The argument is: Baptism means union with
Christ, and union with Christ means the liberty of sonship to God.... [ Continue Reading ]
Such distinctions do not separate true believers. There is a unity in
Christ which is deeper than differences of nationality, condition, or
sex. The GREEK is the Galatian. St. Paul shows his tact in using that
name, as the more refined natives would probably like it.... [ Continue Reading ]
ABRAHAM'S SEED] his spiritual descendants. Not lineal descent from
Abraham, but spiritual kinship to him through a faith like his,
determines whether we are heirs of the promise made to him.... [ Continue Reading ]