A conclusion from the certainty of reaping if we faint not. Of the household of faith] members of the Christian family whose bond of union is faith.

11-18. The true ground of glorying.

Paraphrase. '(11) Look at my own bold handwriting in which I have written this letter as the proof of my longing for your salvation. (12) To sum up: Those who are insisting on your circumcision are doing so in order to curry favour with the Jews, for (13) as Christians they do not themselves consistently observe the Law, but are making a show of zeal for it by inducing you to assume its burdens. (14) But the only true ground of glorying is the cross by which I have been put to death to the sinful world. (15) The question of circumcision is indifferent; new life in Christ is the one important thing. (16) God's favour be upon all such as test their lives by this principle, thereby proving themselves true Israelites. (17, 18) Let me hear no more accusations! The proof that I am Christ's Apostle is found in the scars which I have received in His service. May blessings from Him fill your heart!'

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