Genesis 19:1-38

THE DESTRUCTION OF THE CITIES OF THE PLAIN 1. The visit of the two angels (who are 'the men' of Genesis 18) may be regarded as the final test of Sodom. If they were hospitably received and honourably treated they might still be spared. IN THE GATE] The entrance gate of walled Eastern cities is a gr... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 19:2

WE WILL ABIDE IN THE STREET ALL NIGHT] To sleep out of doors is no hardship in a hot climate. Lot shows that he retained, at all events, the virtues of hospitality and of bravery in the defence of strangers.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 19:3

UNLEAVENED BREAD] bread made quickly without yeast: cp. Exodus 12:39. 4, 5. The causes which led to the fall of Sodom are alluded to in Ezekiel 16:49; Ezekiel 16:50. See also Christ's comparison of the punishments of Sodom and Capernaum (Matthew 11:20).... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 19:7

DO NOT SO WICKEDLY] So St. Peter speaks of 'just Lot vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked,' 2 Peter 2:7. But Lot himself was only relatively righteous.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 19:8

Lot's sense of the sacred duty of hospitality was no excuse for neglecting his still greater duty of caring for his daughters' honour.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 19:14

SONS IN LAW] By comparing this expression with Genesis 19:8 and Genesis 19:16 it seems that the men were only betrothed, not married, to Lot's daughters. Indeed, RV has 'were to marry' instead of 'married.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 19:17

THE MOUNTAIN] the mountains of Moab, E. of the Dead Sea. 18-22. The motive of Lot's request is uncertain. He either feared that there would not be time to reach the mountain, or he was reluctant to leave the place where he had long lived; the latter view seems perhaps most in accordance with his ch... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 19:24

A consideration of the probable nature of this awful visitation will explain the vivid statement of the text. As was pointed out in Genesis 14, the whole neighbourhood of the Dead Sea abounds in sulphur and bitumen, furnishing the materials for the terrible conflagration which ensued. Probably a con... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 19:26

SHE BECAME A PILLAR OF SALT] This may mean that she was overwhelmed in the rock salt of the district which was thrown up by the earthquake: see on Genesis 14:3. The story of Josephus that this particular 'pillar' of salt was still to be seen in his day may be explained by the presence of cones of sa... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 19:29

GOD REMEMBERED ABRAHAM] i.e. his intercession for Lot: see Genesis 18. 30-38. The only explanation of the shameful conduct of Lot's daughters, if understood literally, is to be found in their motive, which was probably based on the strong views entertained by Orientals regarding childlessness and th... [ Continue Reading ]

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