In these last days] RV 'At the end of these days.' The phrase that in OT. commonly indicates the Messianic age, is here varied so as to imply that the gospel times were the transition to that age. By his son] lit. 'in a Son'; i.e. in One who is by nature a Son: cp. Hebrews 3:6; Hebrews 5:8; Hebrews 7:28. Heir of all things] cp. Hebrews 2:8. The lordship of Christ over the universe was determined 'before all worlds,' and though it is not yet fully realised (Hebrews 2:8.), His session now at the right hand of God is the pledge of its ultimate realisation. Made the worlds] lit. 'the ages,' but not to be distinguished from 'all things': cp. Colossians 1:16. The expression, however, implies the idea of an historical manifestation of the creative energy.

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