Inspired by the example of those victorious heroes of faith who now
encompass us, we ought to run our race patiently, looking to Jesus the
supreme example of patient endurance (Hebrews 12:1). The present
sufferings ar... [ Continue Reading ]
WITNESSES] The Gk. word is _martyres_. The word means primarily 'one
who bears witness' to something he has seen or experienced. Here the
witnesses are those who have borne testimony to the victorious power
of faith. But the word passes easily over to the further sense of
'spectators,' which is also... [ Continue Reading ]
LOOKING UNTO] The Gk. word is used of an artist who looks at his
model. Jesus is the Great Exemplar, on whom, rather than on the cloud
of witnesses, the runners are to fix their eyes. AUTHOR AND PERFECTER]
so RV: cp. Hebrews 2:10, where the word 'author' is rendered 'captain'
in AV, _Our_ faith sugg... [ Continue Reading ]
AGAINST HIMSELF] RV 'against themselves,' A more difficult, but
well-attested reading. If correct, it will mean that sinners sin
against themselves, either by wronging their own souls (see Proverbs
8:36) or by contradicting their better selves,
4. The struggle has not yet been severe, A mild reproa... [ Continue Reading ]
The quotation is from Proverbs 3:11; Proverbs 3:12.
7. RV 'It is for chastening ye endure,' i.e, your sufferings are
designed as a discipline or means of education, God dealeth with you
as with sons, 8. ALL ARE PARTAKERS] The clause refers to Hebrews 12:6.... [ Continue Reading ]
righteousness. The result of discipline is called 'peaceable,' or
'peaceful,' in contrast to the 'painfulness' of the process spoken of
in the previous part of the v.... [ Continue Reading ]
STRAIGHT PATHS] better, 'even' or 'smooth paths,' containing no
stumblingblocks that may injure the lame. The strong are to encourage
the weak. TURNED OUT OF THE WAY] RM 'put out of joint.' The reference
to lameness and healing suggests that this is the right rendering. If
they do not remove the stu... [ Continue Reading ]
FAIL OF] RV 'fall short of.' ROOT OF BITTERNESS] cp. Deuteronomy
29:18.... [ Continue Reading ]
ANY FORNICATOR] In the OT. apostasy from Jehovah is frequently
described as adultery or fornication, being a breach of covenant; but
here the word should perhaps be understood in the literal sense: cp.
Hebrews 13:4; PROFANE] The word is the antithesis of 'hallowed' or
'consecrated,' and means 'commo... [ Continue Reading ]
WOULD HAVE INHERITED] The RV removes the ambiguity of these words by
rendering 'when he afterward desired to inherit.' HE SOUGHT IT] i.e.
the blessing, not the repentance. When Esau is said to have 'found no
place of repentance,' this does not mean that he found it impossible
to repent—a thing contr... [ Continue Reading ]
UNTO THE MOUNT] This balances the words 'unto mount Zion' in Hebrews
12:22. But the best. MSS omit the word 'mount' here, and read 'unto a
palpable (i.e. material) and kindled fire.' For the whole description
of the former manifestation see Exodus 19:12; Exodus 19:18; Exodus
20:18; Deuteronomy 4:11.... [ Continue Reading ]
MOUNT SION] the heavenly city, the New Jerusalem, the eternal and
ideal sphere, the abode of God and the angels and the spirits of the
OT. saints.... [ Continue Reading ]
GENERAL ASSEMBLY] a word commonly applied to the Greek festal
assemblies, such as at the Olympian Games. Church of the firstborn,
WHO ARE ENROLLED IN HEAVEN] so RV. Seeing that human beings are
mentioned at the close of the v., these words are best taken as
referring to the angels, who were created... [ Continue Reading ]
TO JESUS] whose mediating has assured all these privileges.
SPEAKETH BETTER THINGS] Abel's blood cried for vengeance (see on
Hebrews 11:4); that of Jesus appeals to God for pardon and
reconciliation.... [ Continue Reading ]
HIM THAT SPEAKETH] i.e. God, who spoke both at Sinai and now from
heaven in the new manifestation.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN] i.e. at the giving of the Law: see Exodus 19:18. The quotation
is from Haggai 2:6, which is here applied as a prediction of the
Second Coming, regarded as imminent.... [ Continue Reading ]
YET ONCE MORE] i.e. once for all, finally. What follows the shaking
and removal of the created and sensible world will be stable and
imperishable.... [ Continue Reading ]
LET US HAVE GRACE] RM 'thankfulness'; but cp. Hebrews 12:15.... [ Continue Reading ]
A CONSUMING FIRE] cp. Deuteronomy 4:24. A solemn wraning against
presumption.... [ Continue Reading ]