WHEREFORE] A new section begins here, in which argument and
exhortation are blended. The connexion with the preceding is not quite
plain. It may lie in the fact that Christ has been described (Hebrews
2:10) as a Leader of salvation, conducting God's children to glory,
suggesting a similar function p... [ Continue Reading ]
(_b_) Christ is superior also to Moses; for He is Son over the house
of God, whereas Moses was only a servant in it.... [ Continue Reading ]
IN ALL HIS HOUSE] i.e. God's house: see Numbers 12:7. Christ and Moses
both set an example of faithfulness, which the Hebrews will do well to
copy; but Christ's sphere is higher than that of Moses, for while
Moses was a servant in the house, Christ, as Son of God, made the
house: cp. Hebrews 1:2.... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR A TESTIMONY] i.e. to bear testimony to the revelation afterwards
made in the LAW: cp. Hebrews 1:1.... [ Continue Reading ]
IF WE HOLD FAST] Transition to the warning in v. 7-4:13. The condition
of remaining in the house of God is steadfast faith.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEREFORE] In AV the long quotation from Psalms 95 is treated as a
parenthesis, and 'Wherefore' is connected with 'Take heed' in Hebrews
3:12. This is probably correct, but owing to the length of the
parenthesis, the connexion becomes broken and a new sentence begins at
Hebrews 3:12. THE HOLY GHOST... [ Continue Reading ]
PROVOCATION and TEMPTATION are translations of the Heb. proper names,
Massah and Meribah. For the instances of unbelief and apostasy
connected with these places see Exodus 17:1; Numbers 20:1; Deuteronomy
33:8.... [ Continue Reading ]
PROVED ME] RV 'by proving me,' i.e. by presumptuously putting to the
proof. SAW MY WORKS] 'my works of judgment following on their
unbelief,' or, more probably, 'in spite of their experience of my
works of deliverance and mercy.'... [ Continue Reading ]
DECEITFULNESS OF SIN] The sin in view is unbelief culminating in
apostasy, for which no doubt many specious reasons were forthcoming.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHILE IT IS SAID] This is best taken in connexion with the preceding
v. to mean 'in view of the saying,' 'seeing we have received this
16. RV rightly takes this v., like the two following, interrogatively.
'For who, when they heard, did provoke? Nay, did not all they that
came out of Egyp... [ Continue Reading ]