Sure and stedfast, and which entereth] RV inserts 'a hope' before these adjectival terms, thus confining the metaphor of the anchor to the one clause, 'as an anchor of the soul,' and taking the three expressions as descriptive not of the anchor, but of the hope. This simplifies matters in so far as it gets rid of the somewhat incongruous idea of an anchor entering within the veil. There may be, however, a mingling of fact and figure. The first two epithets are certainly suggested by the anchor, if they do not directly apply to it. The general idea is sufficiently clear. The Christian hope is infallible, because it is fixed on Christ, who, as High Priest and Forerunner, is now within the veil. The veil] The entry of the High Priest through the veil into the Holy of Holies was the climax of his ministry on the Day of Atonement: see Leviticus 16:2; Leviticus 16:12.

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