Hosea 10:1

EMPTY] RV 'luxuriant,' with reference to the prosperity of Israel. The more he prospered, the more he multiplied his heathenish altars and symbols. FRUIT UNTO HIMSELF] RV 'his fruit.' IMAGES] RV 'pillars': see on Hosea 3:4.... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 10:1-15

DENUNCIATIONS AND ENTREATIES This prophecy appears to have been uttered at a later date than the last. There is no longer any mention of Egypt, but the calamity from Assyria seems imminent. Again Hosea urges them to repent while there is time, and again gives way to despair.... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 10:2

THEIR.. DIVIDED] It is no simple worship of Jehovah, but a confused heathenish worship, which God will altogether destroy: see Intro.... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 10:3

WHAT.. US] RV 'and the king, what can he do for us?' They have no king, because they have not submitted themselves to their natural king, Jehovah; and they realise too late the impotence of him who is a king only in name (i.e. probably Hoshea).... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 10:4

THEY.. COVENANT] They have spoken words, i.e. mere words not followed by deeds, and sworn falsely to agreements which they have not kept. The reference is probably to their commercial dealings with each other as in Hosea 4:2. HEMLOCK.. FIELD] Judgment will come upon them like the rank growth of a no... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 10:5

SAMARIA] as in Hosea 8:5., for the whole people. CALVES OF BETHAVEN] see on Hosea 4:15. They will be terribly afraid lest their God be taken away. Priests and people alike will mourn for sorrow.... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 10:6

KING JAREB] see on Hosea 5:13. There is a fine touch of irony in the suggestion that a god is sent off as a present to a king. 7. Samaria is doomed, and her king disappears, like a foam-bubble bursting on the water. 8. A picture of the desolation and terror following invasion. AVEN] for Bethaven:... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 10:9

FROM THE DAYS] RM 'more than in the days.' GIBEAH] see on Hosea 9:9. THE BATTLE] RV 'that the battle.' Hosea finds a parallel between the battle of vengeance against the Benjamites in Gibeah (Judges 20) and the judgment that is coming against Israel. They remain impenitent, hoping that a similar cal... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 10:14

AMONG] RM 'against.' Their confidence would be found misplaced. The fortresses manned by their mighty men would be destroyed by the enemy. SHALMAN.. BATTLE] Nothing is known of this event, and neither the man nor the place can be identified with certainty; but the sack of BETHARBEL had evidently cre... [ Continue Reading ]

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