Jehovah had been like a tender father and a kind master to Israel from
the first, yet had they ever rejected Him and turned to idols. He
cannot bear the thought of punishing them, but punish them He must.
Yet punishment will be tempered with mercy, and lead at last to
repe... [ Continue Reading ]
JACOB] as before used to introduce the personal history of the
Patriarch, from which Hosea seeks to draw an analogous lesson for the
people. Jacob had begun life by cunningly supplanting his brother, but
afterwards had made a covenant with God. Israel is now exhorted to do
likewise.... [ Continue Reading ]
BY HIS STRENGTH] RV 'in his manhood.' It refers to Jacob's wrestling
with the angel at Penuel (Genesis 32:24).
I] RV 'Yet I.' Jehovah is here compared to a father teaching his child
to walk, and carrying it when tired.
TAKING.. ARMS] RM 'He took them,' etc. The prophet sometimes speaks as
the mout... [ Continue Reading ]
CORDS.. MAN] not with cords used in drawing a beast which is being
broken in, but something more gentle, the kindly discipline needful
for winning a man's allegiance. AND I WAS.. UNTO THEM] In the evening,
when work is over, the kind master takes off the yoke, gently passing
it over the animal's fac... [ Continue Reading ]
THOUGH.. _him_] Though they formally called on God, they do not really
exalt Him in their hearts.
8. Hosea's feeling again turns to tenderness. How can the loving
Father bear to chastise His people as they deserve! ADMAH.. ZEBOIM]
with reference to the destruction of the cities of the plain: cp.
De... [ Continue Reading ]
AND EPHRAIM] The Israelites had only too readily learnt the tricks of
cheating from the Canaanites. YET] RV 'surely.' It is the natural
consequence of his unjust dealing. IN ALL.. SIN] Israel is
nevertheless perfectly self-satisfied and has no pangs of conscience.... [ Continue Reading ]
AND] RV 'But.' In spite of all this I will not leave you to your evil
TABERNACLES] RV 'tents.' Israel had learned nothing since the days in
the wilderness. In religion and morality they were still like those
who came out of Egypt. Therefore they would have to go back to
captivity and begin th... [ Continue Reading ]
GILEAD.. GILGAL] both sanctuaries: see Hosea 4:15; Hosea 6:8. _Is
there_ INIQUITY, etc.] RV 'Is Gilead iniquity? 'The question is only a
rhetorical way of stating an astounding fact.
12. The idolatry of Israel implies a forgetfulness of God, by whose
providence Jacob was rescued from servitude. The... [ Continue Reading ]
JUDAH.. SAINTS] RM better, 'and Judah is yet unstedfast with God, and
with the Holy One who is faithful.'
HOSEA 12:1. EPHRAIM.. EAST WIND] an attack on Israel's foreign policy
and cunning commercial dealings with foreign powers. The WIND stands
for what is useless and unsatisfying. The east wind wa... [ Continue Reading ]
EPHRAIM.. BITTERLY] In spite of all this kindness Ephraim had provoked
God to great anger. HIS BLOOD] plural, meaning 'bloodshed.' The blood
which he has shed shall not be wiped off, but remain in God's eye, a
witness of his crime. For a somewhat similar idea cp. Genesis 4:10.
HIS REPROACH] God will... [ Continue Reading ]