He wept] Not mentioned in Genesis 32:25. He found him] the subject is Jehovah. In Beth-el] The reference is probably to Jacob's dream (Genesis 28:10). With us] Hosea here regards God's promises to Jacob as made to the people Israel, whom in fact they chiefly concerned.

5. Lit. 'And Jehovah is the God of armies. Jehovah is His memorial.' The thoughts emphasised are, (1) the protective power of God; (2) His faithfulness. Hosea has probably in his mind Exodus 3:15. Jehovah was the God of the Patriarchs, who would keep the promises which He had made to them. Memorial] that by which a person is known, his name: see Exodus 3:15.

7-14. Israel, too, is unjust and unmerciful. In the pursuit of gain they are no better than the heathen, though they pride themselves on their honesty. Jehovah has long warned them: now He will punish them: their sanctuaries will be utterly destroyed.

7. He is a merchant] RM 'as for Canaan the balances,' etc. Balances of deceit] cp. Amos 8:5.

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