Grapes in the wilderness] the last place to find grapes. But God had found these poor tribes in the wilderness, and made them His people. Time] RV 'season.' The first ripe fruit is eaten with peculiar relish, all the more so if it be the first crop of the figs: cp. Isaiah 28:4. Israel was the first nation which God had chosen. Baal-peor] see Numbers 25. God's love even at the beginning did not hinder them from acts of idolatry and gross impurity. Separated.. shame] RV 'consecrated themselves unto the shameful thing,' i.e. the idol and the licentiousness which its worship involved.

11-13. The prophet threatens them with barrenness as the punishment for immorality: cp. Hosea 4:10. Even if children should be born, they would fall by the sword of the enemy.

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